Making a Plan

If you are seeking work you should plan ahead to maximise return on your efforts.

A plan can be as elaborate or as brief as you like. 

Whether it be typed-up documentation or a few key thoughts in your head, the important thing is that you have a direction and something to work towards.

Making a plan will help you structure your campaign and give you the best posible chance of success.

The Competition

It seems easy nowadays to simply put a CV on the web and wait for a response. But this very simplicity means that, regardless of recession,  there are many more potential candidates now than ever before. 

Many applicants are just looking for improvement. They often have very good jobs already and simply keep their CV online so that when a better job becomes available they are ready to pounce. 

This strategy means that you will be competing aginst many people, more than just the unemployed. In short, you will need all the help that you can give yourself. 

There are also more oportunities available via the web, so you will need to be completely clear on what your expectations are and what you can realistically hope to achieve.

Randomly spraying your resume over the net may make you feel better, but will it deliver the desired result?

Making a plan will help you structure your campaign and give you the best posible chance of success.

The Plan

Planning is about getting your head around what you'll be doing from a broad, structured, perspective and then tailoring your actions to suit the circumstances. 

Whether seeking full-time or temporary, or contracting or permanent, these are points to consider:

When do I want this change to happen? 
Be aware December and August are usually to be avoided (so take your holidays then). 

Are you buying or moving house? 
Arranging finance is usually more complicated after changing your employment status even if your income increases.

How many CVs will you need?
Decide what types of job you will be looking for, and if another resume is required then write it now and place it where it can be easily retrieved.

How long can you afford to wait?
If you are financially restricted, then you may need to change your approach quickly if you do not get suitable responses in good time.

Where do you want to work?
Concentrate your search in the most favourable locations first, and then broaden your area as needed.


Planning is the first step in most endevours, and finding a job is no different.

As competion gets fiercer, the need for planning becomes even greater.

A plan is not neccessarily a printed document.

Ask yourself as many questions as possible about what you really need and how you see your search progressing.

Look at the constraints you will be under, and plan accordingly.

Be prepared to change your approach if neccessary.