Finding Work

Finding a job, whether for the first, second, or fiftieth time, is always a unique experience. 

It can be exciting, or scary, or a necessary chore, but it's outcome will affect our lives and we need to give this life-changing event the care and effort that it deserves. 

Today it's easy to simply put a CV on the web and wait for a response. But this very simplicity means that, with or without a recession,  there are many more potential candidates than ever before. 

Do your homework

Reading the list of do's and dont's and tasks to complete is akin to hearing about the latest management fashion: 

Check your motivation, be prepared, network, research etc. etc. But these are all essential steps that we need to take because it's our future that's at stake.

  • Preparation - Know what you're looking for and why.
  • Media - Don't just use agencies and job sites, also check the press and company websites for vacancies.
  • Network - People you know are a great source of opportunities and they can also recommend you.
  • Organization - Keep tabs on your progress and try to get feedback on any unsuccessful applications.
  • Optimism - You must keep cheerful and be able to present a positive attitude at interviews and over the phone.


Finding work is seldom easy and the recession has made it significantly harder. 

Don't restrict yourself on how and where you will conduct your search. 

Personnal recommendations are still a prized asset to prospective agencies and employers. 

Because the Internet has made the job market more accessible for everyone, you will need all the help that you can give yourself