Free Software:

The terms 'Open Source' or 'Free' Software generally relate to two freedoms: It can be free as in beer and/or free as in speech and we make no apologies for the fact that it's the free as in beer part that most attracts the freelancemix.

The reason for this is simple.

There is enough expense involved in putting together and maintaining a website without having to pay exorbitant fees to x or y corporation for the privilege of using the computer equipment that we have already purchased.

As an editorial and content driven website, we do not have the expertise to develop or enhance the software we use, so the other attraction of open source largely escapes us; although we do naturally share in the benefits of improved security and stability that open source code provides.

As the quality and useability of modern free software continues to outstrip it's corporate counterparts we also understand that developers need to eat. We therefore endeavour to buy commercial distributions and support open source projects when we can and we will continue to do so in line with any success that may accompany this project.

Some of the software that we use:-

Apache - 'It's wot built the web!' (or at least allowed it to grow).

Bluefish - There are other editors but this one works for us.

FileZilla - FTP, easy to use and reliable.

Firefox - Need we say more?

Gimp - The GNU Image Manipulation Program!

Icewm - This is a fast, lightweight desktop.

Kompozer - A great tool for finishing html pages.

Mandriva - One of many excellent Linux distributions (includes Metisse).

Zim Wiki - A splendid little desktop wiki.